Situations every girl goes through while moving on:

“Letting things go” is easier said than done. At times you feel like you are happy moving on in life and breaking ties with this person and sometimes you feel like this pain is never going to end. Never. You are at the end and you are the beginning at the same time.

1.      Social Media life:

You feel like posting all the sad quotes and sometimes so inspirational quotes on your facebook wall. You post and delete whatsapp statuses. Your family is there on the social media, and you don’t want them to know how pressurized you are and what you are going through in life. It’s hard to restrain oneself from posting these and it becomes equally hard to let people understand that you are in a vulnerable position.


2.      Avoiding him:

Lucky are those who don’t get to see each other or face each other after the storm had happened. You feel like running away from your routine, if your routine includes seeing him every day (College/Office). The once “I can’t stop looking at him” turns out to be “I can’t even stand him for two seconds” now. Every day becomes a battle to you. But whom are you fighting with? Who is that trying to chase you? YOURSELF.


3.      Teaching him a lesson:

You purposely flirt with other men around and hang out with strangers just to prove him that you can live happily even without his presence in your life. You want him to understand that his existence in your life is Zero. You post pictures with other men and show off that there are thousands of men that are willing to date you and it’s his loss that he lost you.

4.      Getting rid of his stuff in the house:

You throw away all the gifts that he had given you, tear all the letters and greeting cards and delete all his pictures from your phone. Because every gift and every picture has a story that reminds you something about him.


5.      Stay away from his friends and your common friends:

You delete his contact number and all the contact numbers of his friends from your phone. You stop hanging out with your common friends as that involves seeing his face again and recalling all those good memories again and again, and making your life even more tough to move on.


6.      Develop a new hobby:

You suddenly become topper of the class, you concentrate on things that build you up in life. You develop good habits like reading/going to gym/yoga. You do things that helps in growing your career.


7.      Become Glamorous:

You invest so much time and effort on your beauty and life style. You get this new hair cut done and wear all the nice and fit clothes. You receive myriad compliments from people and you secretely wish that he notices you. You are in cloud nine if someone praises you in front of your so called “EX”. He should understand what he has lost.


8.      Hate all his favorites:

You start hating all his favorites starting from his favorite color to his favorite actor. Absolutely everything. You don’t miss a chance to tell someone how much you hate something(his favorite) and how much irritation you get looking at it. (Ever seen someone saying that they hate momos because they sound weird)


9.      Mood swings:

You feel like hitting people if they talk about love and its greatness. “F**k this love” is the only word you can think of when you hear people asking you to believe in love again. Mood swings become your constant companions. You behave like you are the coolest person on the earth and suddenly you become the crankiest person in the world. You sleep for hours together and sometimes don’t sleep at all. The same goes with eating too.


10.  Finally accepting the situation:

You take the help of your friends to change from being “Depressed you” to “Normal you”. You understand that heartbreaks are part of our life and you need to accept them. You learn a lot from these situations and grow as a person. You stop stalking him on social media. You, to an extent forgive him for breaking your heart, but you are never going back to him. Never.



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